The following disciplinary measures will be adopted by the school.

  • Oral warning & counseling.
  • Written warning.
  • Issue of Red & Yellow Cards.
  • Withdrawal of bus facility for misbehavior in the school bus (Parents will be responsible for picking them up and dropping them to school).
  • Expulsion
    The student will be warned and counseled for the first time, issued a red card for two subsequent lapses and a yellow card and suspension if unacceptable behavior persists. The issue of two Cards to a student will lead to expulsion. However the Principal retains the right to suspend or expel a student out right if the offence is of a very serious nature. The Principal will have the right to withhold the character certificate of any student whose conduct is not keeping with the rules laid down by the school.

Red Card: A student will be issued a Red card for missing classes, reporting late to class, constantly interrupting the teaching process and indulging in rude and unacceptable behavior in class. The student will report to the class Teacher for detection during break. Issue of two Red Cards will lead to the award of a Yellow Card.

Yellow Card: A Yellow Card holder will not be allowed to avail of any privileges in the school during the period stipulated on the card. The student will not be allowed to attend any programme, picnics or outings.

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